原创, 支付方式

CCBILL API Custom Price non-recurringCCBILL API开发自定义价格 non-recurring

CCBILL API Custom Price

If it shows “Payment Option:$5.00(USD) for 30 days (non-recurring)”

And What you want is “Payment Option: $5.00(USD)”.

First Of cause you need one accound of CCBILL, and create one sub account.(as 0001)
Log in https:# admin.ccbill.com(replace # to //)
Add the url when you pay success or failed.
You may connect to the support or email them, ask some test card number
Here is some infomation they email me:

Please use the following steps to create a transaction test account for the purpose of testing your CCBill setup and sign-up form:

Please log into the Admin Portal and go to Account Info–>Transaction Test Settings. Select “Create New User” and provide a valid IP range and e-mail address that will be used during testing. Go to your CCBill join form and fill it out. You can make up information with the exception of the card number and e-mail address. Please make sure that the card expiration date you select is somewhere in the future. Once you select “submit” on the join form the test transaction will be processed.

Below is a list of test transaction numbers to use. If you have any questions please contact our 24 hour

Client Support Department at clientsupport@ccbill.com or 1-800-510-2859.


Account number:100000000
Routing number:299999999
Result: approval

Account number:100000001
Routing number:299999999
Result: decline

Credit Cards:
Card Number:5555555555557777
Result: approved (MC)

Card Number:4444444444446666
Result: approved (Visa)

Card Number: 5555555555559922
Result: decline (MC)

Card Number: 4444444444444422
Result: decline (Visa)

All of this infomation you may test for payment, payment user can be anybody in test card.

If you want to custom price, you may need create a custom form (if you don’t know how to create it, ask the support),
And you can read the help document from http#www.ccbill.com/cs/MG.php, Here you can find “Background Post User’s Guide” and “Dynamic Pricing”

In this one “Background Post User’s Guide” , you can find what field you should need to get/post , and “Dynamic Pricing” is for custom price, (this price can be get/post here), If you use “formDigest” to validate ,you may need to pay attention to some place , formDigest is MD5 for (formPrice,formPeriod,currencyCode,salt) ,formPrice must be has two decimal fraction, and other you can find it in the admin panel , and you can also ask the support for it. No more need to say.

Are all these infomations enough for you ? All these are the defficult I have barged up against, It is hard to find infomation, I write it here, Hope can help you.CCBILL API开发自定义价格

比如他们显示的是 Payment Option:$5.00(USD) for 30 days (non-recurring)
而您需要的是 Payment Option: $5.00(USD)

进入CCBILL后台网址:https:# admin.ccbill.com(将#换成//)

Please use the following steps to create a transaction test account for the purpose of testing your CCBill setup and sign-up form:

Please log into the Admin Portal and go to Account Info–>Transaction Test Settings. Select “Create New User” and provide a valid IP range and e-mail address that will be used during testing. Go to your CCBill join form and fill it out. You can make up information with the exception of the card number and e-mail address. Please make sure that the card expiration date you select is somewhere in the future. Once you select “submit” on the join form the test transaction will be processed.

Below is a list of test transaction numbers to use. If you have any questions please contact our 24 hour

Client Support Department at clientsupport@ccbill.com or 1-800-510-2859.


Account number:100000000
Routing number:299999999
Result: approval

Account number:100000001
Routing number:299999999
Result: decline

Credit Cards:
Card Number:5555555555557777
Result: approved (MC)

Card Number:4444444444446666
Result: approved (Visa)

Card Number: 5555555555559922
Result: decline (MC)

Card Number: 4444444444444422
Result: decline (Visa)



察看他们的帮助文档 在 www.ccbill.com/cs/MG.php  里面的 Background Post User’s Guide ,和 Dynamic Pricing ,

其中 “Background Post User’s Guide” 是可以查看到你传递些什么参数,“Dynamic Pricing”帮助你定义自定义价格,可以是传递过来的参数, 其中如果使用formDigest验证,需要注意几个事项:首先他是几个项目的MD5加密,这里使用 不重复付款的方式 是 formPrice,formPeriod,currencyCode,salt 的加密,几个注意 formPrice一定是包含两位小数,其他几项都要去后台察看是什么,不明白问客服把,呵呵,这里就不在多说了,



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